Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q.For what types of positions should I assess candidates?

    A. Most of our client organizations ask us to assess their candidates for employment at all levels of responsibility. (If it is worth paying someone to do a job, it is worth selecting the right person for the job.) We also assess internal candidates for promotions and transfers, as well as employees engaged in coaching and management development programs.

  • Q.Which tests do you use?

    A. For selection, we use three types of well validated and proven measures: ability tests, work sample simulations, and personality inventories. Many of these instruments are available only to trained professionals.

    For development and performance management purposes, we use some of the same selection instruments, as well as motivation inventories, 360-degree feedback surveys, and sophisticated performance appraisal systems.

  • Q.Isn't assessment expensive?

    A. Quality personnel assessment isn’t cheap, but compared to the costs of a “bad hire”, the price of assessment is a bargain. Our assessment batteries range in price from $125.00 per person for entry-level positions, to about $400.00 for executives and upper-level sales personnel.

  • Q.Do I have to test ALL the applicants for a position?

    A. No. Typically, our clients screen their employment applications and interview applicants who appear to be qualified, then arrange to have finalist candidates assessed by Assessment Strategies, L.L.C. We also offer our clients consultation and training in structured interviewing and effective reference checking.

  • Q.How long does all this take?

    A. Most of our assessment batteries can be completed by examinees in four hours or less. Entry-level assessments may take as little as one hour. We are usually able to schedule assessment appointments at the candidate’s earliest availability, and we typically deliver to the client completed assessment reports within 24 hours.

  • Q.Isn't it possible to "fake out" a written test?

    A. Faking has long been a concern among professionals who develop and use personality inventories. Expert opinions differ on whether faking is really a problem in employment testing, and current research indicates that “impression management” may not affect validity of assessment results. However, many high quality personality inventories include scales intended to measure faking. These “motivational distortion measures” can be helpful in determining whether the test taker answered questions straightforwardly.

  • Q.Can I use assessment to "clone" some of my best employees?

    A. Yes, but doing so may not be as easy a process as some testing consultants would have you believe. You can assess current employees to determine what characteristics to seek in new hires, but the outstanding characteristics you come up with may not be relevant to job performance. We can show you how to use job analysis and validation research to identify job-related performance dimensions and improve your hiring processes.

  • Q.What about all those personnel tests on the internet?

    A. Like anything else on the web, the quality of tests you’ll find there varies dramatically, and there are many bad tests out there. The same is true for the non-internet world. Some very poorly developed and inaccurate employment tests are persuasively marketed to organizations. That is why it is so important to get the kind of objective expert advice offered by Assessment Strategies, L.L.C.